Best New Year Resolution Put aside what the world wants of you – To step into the ‘New You’, to be thinner, fitter, eat more healthily, drink less, be kinder, to earn more, give more, take more, to work harder, to up your game. To be more productive, to suck the juice out of life, to sleep more, to sleep less, to be the best you, to focus, to plan, to give back, to agitate, to protest, to be grateful and accept, to be mindful, and calm, but restless and unceasing in your purposeful path. To keep up, to clean up, to keep your chin up and look on the bright side but be open to your down and to welcome in this new decade whilst you’re scrambling for calm and security and reassurance amidst the burning and bombing, the inequality, looking up to the heavens and not seeing the stars for the satellites. If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am. just do a little change and be what you are , do what makes you happy and your family n...